Termes et conditions

These General Booking Conditions (from now on referred to as ‘General Conditions or GBC), together with the web booking form and any Special Conditions that may be indicated, constitute the contract between OHAI OUTDOOR LIVING, S.L. (from now on, ‘OHAI’ or ‘we’) and any user interested in our services (from now on, ‘the User’ or ‘you’) available through our website: https://ohairesorts.com/.

We therefore urge you to read these Terms and Conditions carefully, as they constitute a binding contract between the Parties.When submitting the web booking form, you must tick the "I accept the General Booking Conditions’ box next to the form. By ticking this box, you declare that you have read these General Conditions and accept them and give your express consent to all the contents of the contract in the version published at the time of acceptance, committing yourself unreservedly to their fulfilment.

1. The Parties

These General Conditions are published in coherence and compliance with the applicable legislation. In this sense, it is indicated that the Parties are:

- On the one hand, OHAI OUTDOOR LIVING, S.L., a Spanish company with a registered office at Paseo Castellana, 28 - 2 Plt, 28046, Madrid - Spain, and provided with CIF B-88077300 and registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid, Volume 37587, Folio 60, Page M-669917 (from now on, ‘OHAI’).

On the other hand, the User, identified through the data provided in the web booking form, is responsible for its truthfulness, updating, and accuracy. Likewise, they are declared at least eighteen (18) years of age and have the legal capacity to enter contracts. In this sense, parents and legal guardians are responsible for fulfilling each of the acts or damages carried out by minors on the website.

2. Subject of the contract

The present GBC regulate the terms and conditions applicable to the reservation by the User of the rooms available through the OHAI website. 

Using these online booking services constitutes a contract between the parties, with the User fully and unreservedly accepting each clause of these GBC without it being necessary or required by the parties to be transcribed in writing.

3. Booking process

Once the booking has been made through the Platform, the user will receive an email confirming their booking. OHAI will only be bound by bookings confirmed by the User when they receive the email and under the conditions indicated therein. 

The reservation is firm once the confirmation e-mail has been received and the User has made no observations. It is guaranteed with a charge to the credit card provided by the User when making the reservation until the User arrives at the accommodation. All the above is without prejudice to the Particular Conditions applicable to each case. 

4. Payments

OHAI collaborates with payment service providers to offer the most convenient payment methods and secure your payment information. When you make a reservation, you agree not to use an invalid or unauthorised payment method. 

OHAI reserves the right to check the card's validity before the User's arrival and may do so in one of two ways: either by prior authorisation or by charging an amount not exceeding the price of the first night of the reservation. In both cases, such transactions will be cancelled on the same day. The booking may be automatically cancelled if the credit card is deemed invalid. 

5. Data protection

The personal information or data you provide will be treated following the Privacy Policy. By proceeding through the web booking form, you legitimise us to process your personal data in accordance with your consent and for the contractual execution described in these GBC. 

All persons who are going to be accommodated must have personal identification documents, as well as official and valid accreditation documents to verify:

- that the booking conditions, such as the age of children or the identity of the occupants of the room, specified in the booking, are complied with

- that the conditions of any discount codes applied to the booking, if applicable, are met

- that you are the holder of the credit/debit card with which the prepayment was made.

Therefore, you acknowledge and declare that all the information or data you provide are accurate and correspond to reality.

6. Exclusion of liability

Except in those cases expressly described in these GBCs and to the extent permitted by law, OHAI is not liable for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of accuracy, completeness or timeliness, including errors and omissions of the information contained on our website. Likewise, neither is it liable for any duty or commitment to verify or monitor its contents and information.

7. Applicable law

These General Booking Conditions are governed by Spanish law, specifically by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users (‘TRLGDCU’); Law 7/1998, of 13 April, on General Contracting Conditions; the LSSICE; the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons about the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (‘RGPD’) and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (‘LOPDGDDD’).

8. Dispute resolution

Any dispute related to these General Booking Conditions shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Madrid unless the applicable regulations establish the jurisdiction of other Courts and Tribunals for these purposes. If the User is considered a consumer, the relevant jurisdiction will be that of their domicile.

Likewise, and in compliance with the provisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, we inform you that you can access the European Union's online dispute resolution platform by following this link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show.

If one of the provisions of these General Booking Conditions is declared null and void, the remaining provisions shall not be affected by such nullity and shall remain in force for the parties on the agreed terms. Any provision affected by such invalidity shall be replaced per the law and brought closer to the original intention.