Safe & Clean

Covid-19, at OHAI we want to convey tranquillity and trust. We do everything in our power to ensure the safety of our customers.

The safety of our employees and customers is our priority. That is why we have designed specific safety, cleaning and hygiene protocols, so that you can feel at home and have the fun you deserve.


Training for all employees

All employees received specific training on the internal protocol related to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. The objectives of the training administered were as follows:

  • Take basic infection prevention and control precautions for the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, including hand disinfection procedures, social behavior, and daily monitoring for fever and other symptoms.
  • Comply with the guidelines of the General Directorate of Health for the cleaning of surfaces and treatment of clothing in the establishment and rooms.
Information to all clients

The following information is available to all customers:

  • How to comply with the basic precautions for prevention and control of infections from the Covido-19 coronavirus outbreak;
  • What is the internal protocol for the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19?

The establishment has:

  • Personal protective equipment in sufficient numbers for all workers.
  • Personal protection equipment available for customers (maximum capacity of the establishment).
  • Stock of cleaning materials for single use proportional to the size of the complex.
  • Dispensers of alcohol-based antiseptic solution or alcohol-based solution near the entry/exit points of the common sanitary facilities .
  • Non-manual opening waste container and plastic bag.
  • Place to isolate people who can be detected as suspected cases of COVID-19.
The cleaning and disinfection protocol
  • Washing and disinfection, according to internal protocol, of the surfaces where employees and clients circulate, guaranteeing the control and prevention of infections and antimicrobial resistance.
  • Cleaning, several times a day, of surfaces and objects of common use (including meters, light switches and elevator, door handles, cabinet handles)
  • Air renewal of rooms and enclosed spaces is done regularly.
  • Disinfection of the swimming pool is carried out as defined in the internal protocol.
  • The disinfection of the Jacuzzi is done regularly with the pouring of all the water followed by washing and disinfection; then it is filled with clean water and disinfected with chlorine in the right amount, according to the internal protocol.
  • The definition of specific care for the change of bedding and cleaning in the adaptations, favoring two times of intervention spaced and with adequate protection according to the internal protocol.
  • Removal of bedding and towels made without shaking, rolling them in the direction from inside to outside, without touching the body and transporting them directly to the washing machine.

Other procedures provided:

  • Possibility for the client to opt for the online check-in system. Avoiding entering the reception area and making the process much faster.
  • Control and number of customers limited by the common space.
  • And always in the service is a partner responsible for activating the procedures in case of suspected infection.


Customer Service

Alcohol-based antiseptic solution dispensers near restaurant entry/exit points

Maintenance of utensils, equipment and surfaces is avoided as much as possible by direct handling of food by customers and employees.

First phase. Take Away Service
  • The customer will not enter the restaurant, there will be the Take Away service and different options to see the menu through the QR code and print on single use paper.
  • The customer will order their order and will be given a pick-up time. Some products will be immediately available to the customer.
  • The method of payment will always be by credit card
Phase 2. Restaurant service
  • If the customer enters the restaurant, he will be kept at a safe distance and will be kindly invited to wash his hands and use hydroalcohol.
  • To order, we will give you a printed and laminated menu that is disinfected after each use. In the case of the buffet, we have individually packaged cutlery, the dishes will be prepared individually so that there is no contamination.
  • When the customer leaves the space where he ate, this space will be carefully cleaned with anti-virus and anti-bacterial spray, without disturbing the remaining customers.
  • We will maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between tables. Customers must wear their masks inside the restaurant and while driving through the buffet line. Masks will only be removed during the meal and while seated.
  • It is forbidden to use the bar counter.
  • The dishes used by this customer will be cleaned immediately and placed in the dishwasher.

General Hygiene Regulations

  • Hand hygiene is the main measure of prevention and control of infection, which should preferably be carried out with water and soap, and following the correct technique.
  • We guarantee the correct cleaning of the facilities, equipment and surfaces, so that after each service, cleaning and disinfection is carried out, without forgetting the handles of the doors and chambers and, in general, any surface that may have been touched by the hands.
  • Strict compliance with HACCP measures in all matters related to the Feeding and Processing Protocol.
  • Our measurements are more demanding than those required by the HACCP manual.
  • We carry out disinfection of work areas and sterilization of work instruments with every change of activity.
  • Our tools are correctly identified by work area to avoid their shared use.
  • The use of vacuum packaging, temperature control, pasteurisation and sterilisation techniques will be carried out as far as possible.
  • We ensure that the washing lines operate at more than 80o during the laydown phase.

Spa and Pool Safety and Hygiene

  • The disinfection of the swimming pool is carried out according to the internal protocol.
  • The disinfection of the Jacuzzi is done regularly with the pouring of all the water followed by washing and disinfection; then it is filled with clean water and disinfected with chlorine in the right amount, according to the internal protocol.



  • Calendar of deliveries to suppliers.
  • The suppliers will enter properly disinfected and with masks for the unloading of goods.
  • Items will be handled with gloves and disposable masks.
  • All goods will be disinfected before entering the premises.
  • Items wrapped in plastic and/or cardboard will, whenever possible, be removed from their original packaging and placed in their own container.
  • Suppliers will be informed about the working methodology used.
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